Support Article

How do I recharge automatically using Prepaid Auto Recharge?

Before you start, you'll need:

  1. a Boost Username and Password to log into the MyBoost Mobile App

  2. to be the account holder

  3. an active recharge that isn't expiring in the next 24 hours. If it's due to expire, sign in to My Boost Mobile App to complete your next recharge and then set up an auto recharge.

To set up auto recharge;

In the My Boost Mobile app

  1. Sign in to the My Boost Mobile App

  2. Go to Services

  3. Select your Prepaid service and then scroll to More with your mobile

  4. Select Auto recharge and follow the prompts.

  5. Select Auto recharge amount

  6. Choose your payment method

  7. Tap to confirm and you good to go.

In Boost website online

  1. Go to ‘Log in’ Page here:

  2. Sign in to My Boost Web using your username and password

  3. Go to Account overview and find your Prepaid service

  4. Select Auto recharge: On/Off and follow the prompts.

Still got questions on Auto Recharge? Check out our full Auto Recharge FAQs.

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